Monday, May 24, 2010


Lupe is very sad to report some Loop closings.

EDIT: And Game Crazy! Just noticed the sign this morning. All sales final. This is the only Game Crazy in Missouri!

Layal Hookah Lounge has been closed for a couple of weeks now. Lupe didn't notice at first because of all the scaffolding and construction going on in front of the bar. There is no information available, and Lupe could not find the facebook fan page alluded to on the "closed" note in the window.

Restaurants Miss Saigon and Modai in the East Loop are both closed, as well. ( Both links are to the RFT.)

Lupe is sad to see these businesses close, and wishes the owners and staff well in their new endevours!



The Memorial Day run starts at 7:30 AM with the 10K. There is also a 5K and a one mile "Fun Run."

Lupe is more of a leisurely stroller than a runner, but she does enjoy this annual event!

See you in the Loop!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Subterranean Books will be part of a citywide Shakespeare marathon, Shake 38. A play an hour will be performed at different locations every hour for 38 hours. This is to kick off the annual performance of the Bard in Shakespeare Glen in Forest Park.

Subterranean will be participating Tuesday May 25 from 6 to 7 PM in front of the store. See their blog for the details.

Lupe would like to add that it is "happenings" like this that make St. Louis such a great place to live! There are so many creative people here that work to incorporate art (and whimsy, and culture, and celebration) into the mundane fabric of life here. (Like Guerrilla Florist, for instance.)

Lupe considers St. Louis to be a great place of "silent" culture. In the way that a nation's culinary sophistication is judged on its silent cooking, as opposed to erudite. (Americans get drive through and use the microwave; the French make salad and cook an entree and set the table and serve wine, dessert, and coffee.)

It is true that there is much culture in Los Angeles, silent and erudite, but much of it gets lost in the drive for fame and fortune. Here is it is all really for "the love of the game."

See you in the Loop!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Well, if you read this post, you know that Lupe is not happy with the way construction, traffic, and crosswalks are being handled in the Loop.

Today, at the corner of Limit and Delmar, the contractors hit an unmarked water main, flooding the street and making a general mess! Public Works opened the street with a jackhammer, and then opened a fire hydrant to control the flooding. Water service was interrupted temporarily.

So, the westbound lane is shut off, the east sidewalk is closed, so you have westbound traffic in the middle of the street, eastbound traffic dodging the pedestrians, and in area celebrated for alcohol consumption, general "not safeness."

During graduation weekend... Lupe just does not understand...


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Much respect to Vintage Vinyl!!! Much respect to Papa Ray and The Prince!!!

They have out survived all of the other locals and even many of the chain music stores! After watching this feature it is easy to see why!

All of the in-stores they have done; all the promotion of local music and musicians; the shows they have sponsored; labels and promotional companies and record shows (including Papa Ray's on KDHX); and then there are all the musicians that have found employment haven at Vintage Vinyl!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The Loop is filled with philanthropists!

Today the Melting Pot is hosting a fundraiser for the Breast Cancer run. They have a special tent out in front, and there will be fabulous food and an open sign up for the run.

And on Friday, May 21, Moonrise Hotel is having a blood drive for the Red Cross. You can contact the Moonrise or Red Cross for details.

See you in the Loop!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Meshuggah barista, writer, and all around great Loop local Jedidiah Ayres has been published in the magazine Needle: A Magazine of Noir.

Lupe found the story so compelling that she had to read it straight through in one sitting. (About 40 minutes including coffee drinking, croissant eating, hi to everyone walking by in Meshuggah, time.)

If Lottery author Shirley Jackson and Quentin Tarantino had had a love child and then Russell banks had taught the bastard to write, you would have this story.

Chilling, disturbing, and impossible to put down.

See you in the Loop!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today at about 1 PM, Star Clipper posted this:

So... A Pirate and a Sax Man are walking up and down the street while being filmed... Fleet hates pirates but respects the Sax Man. :/

Lupe was not able to investigate this. Which sax man? There are several.

And was the Pirate a Pastafarian? Or someone from St. Louis' premiere film production company, Pirate Pictures?

And what happened to Spiderman? He lurked above Star Clipper for some time, only to vanish mysteriously within the last month....

Maybe a reader knows the answer to all of these questions?

As usual, just too much exciting stuff going on in the Loop to keep up with it all!!

See you in the Loop!

EDIT: Spiderman belonged to a tenant in the apartment above Star Clipper. Further, he is rumoured to have vanished during the twister storm a month or so ago... Also, it occurred to Lupe that the Pirate might also have been from the Pirates exhibit at the St Louis Science Centre.


One thing Lupe has wished for many times is a romantic horse and carriage ride through the Loop.

Every now and then, Lupe leaves the Loop. Shocking but true! Lupe loves to go to Club Viva in the Central West End and dance to salsa (Thu & Sat) or reggae (Wed). (She also enjoys Herbie's and Brennan's.)

It was after 11 when Lupe arrived home from her travels last night, and when she heard the sound of the horses hooves clopping down Delmar, she thought she was dreaming!

Finally, Lupe's wish can come true. Last night there were not one, not two, but three carriages making their way through the Loop, east and west!

See you in the Loop!! For a romantic carriage ride!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Two wonderfully costumed Geisha dancers graced the Loop with their presence today. Now, when Lupe first spotted the dancers she was not certain they were more than just your average Loop "tourists", out shopping.

Lupe had just seen two young ladies that could have been in costume, wearing cat ears and frilly aprons a la Alice In Wonderland, but they were just shopping.

However, the dancers were here on official business-- a performance at Star Clipper Comics.

Star Clipper's twitter update at noon today read:

Geisha and Maiko from Three Rivers Okiya are coming today to add a touch of gentility to Star Clipper!

Lupe does wish she had a camera, as the girls did a lot to brighten up a rainy Saturday afternoon in the Loop!

See you in the Loop!!!


The need for more crosswalks in the Loop became glaringly obvious this Wednesday as construction began on the southwestern corner of Limit and Delmar.

It has been frustrating enough dealing with the mess at Eastgate and Delmar. For reasons Lupe does not understand, the tuckpointing on that building requires several weeks of work and the scaffolding apparently needs to take up the entire sidewalk even when the work is not going on.

And was no one far-sighted enough to set up a temporary crosswalk? Or to at least block off the parking spaces and make a temporary, safe, contained way to walk in the street?

Lupe has learned that both the City and the County of St. Louis really only care about the revenue from the parking spaces. That is why they resist putting in more crosswalks.

(University City does not have domain over the road part of Delmar- just the sidewalks, if Lupe understands correctly. And no one seems to have domain over the traffic lights at the corner of Skinker and Delmar, which are off sequence, creating confusion when the northbound traffic is running.  Lupe has made phone calls and drawn diagrams of how the lights should be sequenced, but no one seems able to do anything about it.  It is mostly humorous, except late at night, when inebriated people are heading from the county "close at 130AM bars" to the city "open til 3AM bars".)

Fortunately, the construction company working at Limit only closed off the sidewalk and bus stop on Wednesday. It looks rather unattractive, but you can walk on the sidewalk and catch the bus...

... why the construction permit didn't set up a temporary bus stop for that one day Wednesday does confuse Lupe. After all, if you are dependent on public transportation to do things like grocery shop (or you are handicapped or elderly), the walk to Westgate, or Skinker, is a considerable difference, but perhaps that is another matter for another day and Metro...

See you in The Loop!!!

EDIT: Okay, Lupe cannot believe this! Tomorrow (20 May 2010) is Wash. U.'s graduation; U. City High's graduation is this weekend, and these two sidewalks are closed! Thousands of people are coming here from across the country, and some from around the world, and we cannot provide them with safe sidewalks or convenient bus stops!

(And Lupe is NOT going to raise her blood pressure by asking WHY? in such a pedestrian oriented neighbourhood is there NO BUS BENCHES!!! And please, do not say "panhandlers" because Lupe is too fed up with stupid excuses to hear that right now.)

At both Delmar and Limit, and Delmar and Eastgate, people are walking out in the street, of course. Those silly signs that say "danger" are largely ignored. If the cities of St. Louis and University City don't think it is important enough to block off parking, make a temporary sidewalk or crosswalk, why should a pedestrian take the silly sign seriously? (Say that five times fast... ;o)

To add insult to injury, while the scaffolding remains, day after day, at the Eastgate construction site, no work is going on!

Lupe wouldn't feel so discouraged, but everyone keeps saying "This is University City!" Or "That's St. Louis for you."  Public safety is a concern no matter what city you are in!

Metro Bus 314 982 1406
University City Public Works 314 505 8560
St. Louis City Public Works 314 622 4888

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Mother's Day in the Loop was quite spectacular! The drum circle was back on, and Craft Alliance had a fabulous outdoor pottery sale!

The most wonderful discovery for Lupe, however, was the uniquely personal, unbelievably affordable, and artistically designed bouquet that Lupe procured at Blooms in the Loop for her mother.

Not only is this a great florist-- plenty of fresh cut flowers, cards, ribbons, vases, etc-- but it is so clean and well kept up! No easy feat in a store with a lot of glass and shelves!

Having discovered this wonderful gem, Lupe wonders how she lived without it. Hopefully, now that you have read this blog, you won't suffer as Lupe has...

See you in the Loop!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


If the University City Sculpture series (their site, Lupe's post) wasn't enough to entice you into a visit to Lewis park, perhaps baby ducks will!

The momma mallard at Lewis park has no less than 11 duckling babies!!!

See you in the Loop!!!